Thursday 3 May 2012

The impact of the information age on your life and lifestyle.

The Blog today is about how the information age has or will impact our life and lifestyle.
So the first questions is; Can human bodies and minds adapt to the higher stimulation, faster pace, and constant change of the information age? ... Considering that the information age is growing in a fast pace, with new technologies being produced or introduced almost every month is very overwhelming. Because, some, people try to always be up to date with these new techs. I believe humans can adapt but as soon as they do they have to adapt to the other newer versions. It almost becomes a job for some. So humans can adapt but they'll have to really take the effort to do so.
So this bring us to our next question, Will our information-heavy environment cause us to lose touch with the more fundamental human needs? With this technology, I personally believe that it will make us lose touch with our fundamental human need because we spend too much time on them than we do with our human needs, having us lose the ability to have human interactions even making us lazy to take care of ourselves.
Now for the third question, Will we become so dependent on our "pretty toys" that we can't get by without them? I believe this is true, we get so caught up on our "toys" everyday that we depend on them for everyday. Making us need them for entertainment and communications or interactions with people around the globe. Not having them just isn't complete, especially in a fast growing pace of the information age.
For the forth question, Will we lose our sense of purpose and identity as our machines become more intelligent? Or will we learn to balance the demands of the technology with our biological and spiritual needs? No, personally I believe, even if the machines become more "intelligent" we won't lose our sense of purpose and identity because there is a lot to explore about the human inside and out, and the thing that, hopefully, sets us apart from the machine is will. We all humans have WILL, a choice to do something or not, a choice to believe or not believe. Either physically, mentally, emotionally, or spiritually we have those choices, and so far, what I know, Computers are given the knowledge (and is stored) of things,programs,etc..and they follow. Yes, of course the machines might be fast, either to calculate or complete tasks. But they are "robots" and we're not, this makes us Intelligent.

Wednesday 2 May 2012

Copyright issues.

Blog- "Scanners, video digitizers, and audio digitizers make it easier than ever for people to violate copyright laws. What, if anything, should be done to protect the intellectual property rights of the people who create pictures, videos, and music? Under what circumstances do you think it's acceptable to copy sounds or images for use in your own work?"

Nowadays, People can copy and paste pictures or sounds(i.e. music, videos, etc.) and put it in their work and go against the copyright laws, but there are some ways to protect that property.
For instance, I wanted to copy and paste a picture so I could have a better look at it but it had restrictions and only the person who added/posted could do such things to it, so having your name on it or blocking other people from using it could somewhat protect it.
I believe, under any circumstances, you have to state(reference) where and who belongs to the music, picture, or video if wanting to put it in your own work.


So the Blog was,
"Have you ever purchased anything online? How do you feel about online shopping - is it something that you use and trust? Do you shop with a credit card? or Paypal? WHat kinds of things are you willing to purchase online? Why or why not?"

First of all, I don't shop online because I don't have a credit card but probably if i did I would. I was asked to use Paypal once I wasn't sure what it was at that time but now I know what it is but then again having no credit card I wasn't able to use it. If i did, i'd probably purchase clothing, Apple merchandise, music, etc. because its the things that aren't, sometimes, available near you.
I would probably have a hard time purchasing things online because I'd be paranoid or aware of online frauds and thieves.