Friday 10 February 2012

Being "Green" and using computers

Do you think the computer industry has more of a positive or negative effect on preserving global ecosystems? I believe the effect is positive, because in ways it doesn't hurt or harm the ecosystem as much as other things do, like;gas, industrial sites, how people stash their waste products,etc. Ways we could be "green" using our computer and internet? well we could encourage others through internet by posts, websites, videos, blogs, etc. And we could recycle the broken down or no longer used hard-wares. These are only a few things that come in to mind. But it'll take more to be environmental friendly.

Computer using and being "Green"

Thursday 9 February 2012

Thoughts on Digital Divide

A discussion on the Digital Divide in USA. is there a digital divide in Canada? I don't think so, probably there are a few places in Canada that can't access the internet, maybe because of the connections they have, like financially-to pay the internet connection, bill of it, or the expenses to make an internet connection to a remote place. but there are other ways people can connect, even if its not from home. And I think there are remote places across Canada that get access. I've seen some people from certain places that can go on; Facebook or Youtube, etc I don't think there's a digital divide in Canada.

Tuesday 7 February 2012

Thoughts on World Wide Web

The World Wide Web has been around about 20 years. The first question, what impact does it have in my life? well the WWW hasn't been in my life for a long time, and I wasn't able or was interested to access it. But when I did, it really helped a lot in school research, connecting with friends and family, or just entertainment. And as well as getting "outside" information like News or weather. To think about it, it has made a real impact in my life. Now the second question, What difference would it make in your life if it didn't exist? after thinking about what the impact the WWW has in my life, it would show that I would put more energy or effort to try and know those things. Probably life would be hectic.But it would also be a good thing, for instance we'd have more family time, be more active, and gain more knowledge in the brain. it would be bad/good thing i guess.

Monday 6 February 2012

Threat to personal privacy posed by large databases and computer networks

This issue is based on the trail of personal information we leave behind either from using a credit card for buying things online, placing a phone call or just exploring the Web. Who really owns or keeps this information, do we have full control over this information once its out, and do the business or organizations have the right to share this information with others?
This issue sounds alarming and right away you'll become paranoid and think is this safe? This is what made it interesting. I wouldn't just want any business or organization to give away my info. because there might be other people who'll steal my personal info. or if there was a mistake I'd want to correct it. But there is possibly some solutions to keeping it secure. For instance, make sure the business or organization is trustful and not  to put real deep information onto anything for anyone, to be aware.